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Programma di Ricerca Fondazione Enrico Puccinelli

Vari programmi di ricerca si stanno svolgendo nell’ambito della Fondazione, ma attualmente l’attenzione è concentrata sulla presenza di un complesso contenente DNA e presente nel sangue circolante.

L’attuale programma intende stabilire la struttura di questo complesso, la sua formazione, come viene secreto dalle cellule e se può essere un sistema di comunicazione tra cellula e cellula penetrando nelle cellule vicine ed esprimendosi.

Questo studio ha due importanti applicazioni pratiche:

  1. Nella diagnostica prenatale
  2. Nel monitoraggio dei tumori.

Dopo la seconda settimana di gravidanza nel sangue materno si trova anche il complesso derivato dall’embrione ed è possibile diagnosticare alterazioni cromosomiche quali il mongolismo e malattie genetiche come la talassemia evitando l’amniocentesi.

Nei tumori si osservano variazioni quantitative e qualitative di questo DNA che tendono a scomparire dopo l’asportazione del tumore e se la chemioterapia ha successo, mentre riappaiono in caso di micro metastasi difficilmente rilevabili con le tecniche attuali o di insuccesso della chemioterapia.

Questa ricerca è attualmente finanziata con una donazione ricevuta dalla Fondazione

Meeting EBTNA 9 ottobre 2015

Written by Daniela Marocco. Posted in Contenuti


Munis Dundar Erciyes University, Turkey

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Epigenetics refers to the study of changes in the regulation of gene activity and expression that are not dependent on gene DNA sequence. While epigenetics often refers to the study of single genes or sets of genes, epigenomics refers to more global analyses of epigenetic changes across the entire genome. C.H. Waddington coined the term epigenetics to mean above or in addition to genetics to explain differentiation.How do different adult stem cells know their fate?Myoblasts can only form muscle cells, Keratinocytes only form skin cells Hematopoetic cells only become blood cells, but all have identical DNA sequences!Modern definition is non-sequence dependent inheritance.How can identical twins have different natural hair colors?How can a single individual have two different eye colors? How can identical twin liter mates show different coat colors?How can just paternal or maternal traits be expressed in offspring? (This is called genetic imprinting), How can females express only one X chromosome per cell?How can acquired traits be passed on to offspring? Some changes in gene expression that are, in fact,  heritable. Many more …. DNA Methylation & the Epigenetic Code, Histone Modifications, Different Methylation pattern and stem cell totipotency and unipotency, X-chromosome inactivation, RNAi, epigenetics and cancer, epigenetics misregulation and related diseases and above mentioned questions will be summaries in the lecture.



Kevan M.A. Gartland  Life Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow G4 0BA, SCOTLAND

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Biotechnology for Food and Environmental Security

Biotechnology is an invaluable tool for meeting the current and future needs of society affected by climate change and global population growth. Climate change is having increasing impacts on food security globally. With 925 million citizens expected to be undernourished by 2020, the contribution of green biotechnology to meeting world food and environmental security needs is discussed.  Applications of biotechnology including marker aided selection, genomics, genetic modifications and emergent novel technologies of relevance to drought resistance and salt tolerance to meet the needs of an increasing population under stressed environmental conditions are described.  Environmental applications of biotechnology are considered from a sustainable development perspective.  The regional and global nature of acceptance or rejection of green biotechnology is considered.